Sophrology and group hypnosis with Yolaine



Through the ANIMA association, I welcome adults to Sophrology and Hypnosis group sessions, to help them achieve greater harmony between body and mind. To learn how to better manage stress, pain and fatigue.

About : Sophrology and group hypnosis with Yolaine

The aim of these sessions is to discover all the potential and resources we have at our fingertips.
Follow-up over a long period of time enables each individual to become more autonomous and effective, and to use the tools necessary to face any situation, prepare for important moments in life or progress along the path of personal development ....
I run two groups on Tuesdays, the 12:30 group is particularly suited to people suffering from chronic pathologies.

Please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss your needs.

Group classes continue in early summer, with outdoor sessions weather permitting.

Beginners welcome
A seat or mat may be required for outdoor sessions.

Minimum age: 18 years

En bref


From 18 years old



  • Sophrology
  • Well-being


  • 10 personne(s) maximum


From 01/09 to 15/07, daily.


Means of payment

  • Check
  • Cash
  • Online payment